Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bahasa Indon. Lessons_09262007

Selamat Pagi! Good morning! Magandang Umaga! 

c/o my CikgU / guru ~ Nilasy, Ray, Akoi...

I sent letter below to them yesterday and again,
improved my bahasa Indonesia vocab.

Blue - Stardust's reply
Violet - (cikgU's) nila's answers+++

September 26, 2007

Good morning CikgU & alternates (hehe)

As I was passing my time due to the heavy traffic yesterday on the way
home, I'm so glad I brought my kamus saku with me to learn some words...

CMIIW, please as I'm just trying to recall this now (with Tagalog/Filipino

1. satu (isa)
2. dua (dalawa)
3. tiga (tatlo)
4. ampat (apat) ---> empat (official spelling); ampat is variation of
5. lima (lima) ---> bingo! exactly the same! :-p
6. anam (anim) ---> enam (official spelling); anam is variation of
7. tujuh (pito) ---> 7 in lower Javanese is called 'pitu'
8. delapan (walo) ---> 8 in lower Javanese is called 'wolu'
9. sembilan (siyam)
10. sepuluh (sampu)

berada - well to do ---> as in 'orang berada'; more common is 'kaya' as
'berada' also denotes 'whereabout' as in 'saya berada di sini' (I'm here)
aduh! - oh! ---> or 'ouch!'
aga - pride ---> never heard of 'aga' but pride can be 'kesombongan'
(negative meaning) or 'kebanggaan' (neutral/positive meaning)
abjad - alphabet ---> or 'alfabet' or 'aksara'
beradab - ??? courteous??? ---> cultured or civilized
batu nilam - sapphire (my gemstone!)

I also tried to compose some statements; Can anyone guess what I'm trying
say here??? (and, does any of it make sense?):

Saya sungu sungguh menghendika afal B.I. ---> I really want to study
(memorize) BI
Perhaps you should say 'saya betul2 mau belajar BI.' or 'saya sunguh2 mau
belajar BI.'

Engkau adalah baik-hati kawan. ---> You are very kind buddy ---> 'engkau'
is rather archaic though not uncommoncly used in poetic, story-telling &
formal occassion. More common is 'Anda' (formal) or 'kamu/kau' (less
formal/daily); Betawi (Jakarta) dialect for 'you' is 'elo' or 'elu'. You
should probably say something like this (if it's between friends use
kamu/kau; if it's to somebody you just met use 'Anda') ---> Kamu baik deh
pren. (informal) or Kamu baik sekali, kawan (friend).

Ada adalah agaknya salah adalaknya. ---> my mind reading ability gives up
on this one... I may be wrong?

Lastly, what does "Gorilla" mean in B.I., Russell wants to know... Looking
it up in the Dictionary, I came across "Siamang", is this the correct

---> Gorilla is 'gorila' (natural habitat: Africa), 'siamang' (Eng: gibbon)
is a different species of big ape living only in parts of SE Asia & India
(including Indonesia)


Have a nice day!

Siswa (male student), ---> 'siswi' (female student) or 'murid' (neutral)
Blue ---> biru

If I were the president of RI I granted you the honorary citizenship of the

Republic of Indonesia... :-p

-according to Stardust

from cikgU:

Instead of
ada adalah agaknya salah adalaknya --- should be ---
kadang kadang kamu mungkin (bisa jadi) salah

banyak + verb or 2x = plural

baloon = balon
baloons = banyak balon or balon balon

sometimes = kadang


maybe = mungkin or kali
boleh jadi
bisa jadi

maybe someday = mungkin bila nanti

Thank you all!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm back

It's been, like, more than 20 days since I last 'Multiply'ed' hehe and I missed it! I miss this!!! What've I been up to? hmmm, well, I have a Life now, an offline L_i_f_e... Okay, Okay, Okay, to be honest, I've been busy with a Doctor with a cane, a 'makulit' na agent, and Crimes; translate: Hugh Laurie, Jeremy Piven, Crimes and the boob-tube.... House Season 1, 2, 3, Entourage 1, 2, CSI 7... these are just some of the things that killed my o.l./interweb/virtual life, for awhile at least, hehe... Now, maybe, I'll move on to Nat Geo and life will be happily ever after, hehe... Take Care, y'all!!! see ya 'round

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The wrath of the red moon

(Tuesday of my being sick)

Sometimes we do things we regret. We say words we hoped we didn’t. And words, when already said (esp. harshly), cannot be taken back… ‘the harm has been done’… A pretty unusual day it was for me last August 28, 2007. Coming back from a ‘long economic holiday weekend’ (as per the RP government), I ought to be well-rested, calm and bubbly. Alas, it was the other way around. I have not skipped meals hence, I am carbo-loaded hence I should not be cranky at all. I have this friend who’s just kiss-hello’ing me and I just (w/o any apparent reason) flared, aaargghhh… Seconds later, I realized I was doing the same thing to others talking to me, I was ill-tempered and crabby almost the whole day. Little did I know that these moods are already hurting others. I don’t know if it was just me or the red moon’s wrath… hard to believe but it seems that the Lunar eclipse truly has its effect on me. The Lunar eclipse occurred that same day, around 5:22 to 7:22 p.m., Manila time. Well, I heard Virgo, Pisces and Gemini signs would either be too hot-headed, ferocious or too optimistic and happy. I guess I was part of the former, not the latter… Well, that’s what the Astrologers say. This is not to affirm and justify my actions. But just like the moon that night, I felt I was on my darkest hour yet I dunno WHY. If only I can turn back time but whatever I think, do, wish or say now doesn't matter as Anger is something that can’t be un-done.