Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bahasa Indon. Lessons_09262007

Selamat Pagi! Good morning! Magandang Umaga! 

c/o my CikgU / guru ~ Nilasy, Ray, Akoi...

I sent letter below to them yesterday and again,
improved my bahasa Indonesia vocab.

Blue - Stardust's reply
Violet - (cikgU's) nila's answers+++

September 26, 2007

Good morning CikgU & alternates (hehe)

As I was passing my time due to the heavy traffic yesterday on the way
home, I'm so glad I brought my kamus saku with me to learn some words...

CMIIW, please as I'm just trying to recall this now (with Tagalog/Filipino

1. satu (isa)
2. dua (dalawa)
3. tiga (tatlo)
4. ampat (apat) ---> empat (official spelling); ampat is variation of
5. lima (lima) ---> bingo! exactly the same! :-p
6. anam (anim) ---> enam (official spelling); anam is variation of
7. tujuh (pito) ---> 7 in lower Javanese is called 'pitu'
8. delapan (walo) ---> 8 in lower Javanese is called 'wolu'
9. sembilan (siyam)
10. sepuluh (sampu)

berada - well to do ---> as in 'orang berada'; more common is 'kaya' as
'berada' also denotes 'whereabout' as in 'saya berada di sini' (I'm here)
aduh! - oh! ---> or 'ouch!'
aga - pride ---> never heard of 'aga' but pride can be 'kesombongan'
(negative meaning) or 'kebanggaan' (neutral/positive meaning)
abjad - alphabet ---> or 'alfabet' or 'aksara'
beradab - ??? courteous??? ---> cultured or civilized
batu nilam - sapphire (my gemstone!)

I also tried to compose some statements; Can anyone guess what I'm trying
say here??? (and, does any of it make sense?):

Saya sungu sungguh menghendika afal B.I. ---> I really want to study
(memorize) BI
Perhaps you should say 'saya betul2 mau belajar BI.' or 'saya sunguh2 mau
belajar BI.'

Engkau adalah baik-hati kawan. ---> You are very kind buddy ---> 'engkau'
is rather archaic though not uncommoncly used in poetic, story-telling &
formal occassion. More common is 'Anda' (formal) or 'kamu/kau' (less
formal/daily); Betawi (Jakarta) dialect for 'you' is 'elo' or 'elu'. You
should probably say something like this (if it's between friends use
kamu/kau; if it's to somebody you just met use 'Anda') ---> Kamu baik deh
pren. (informal) or Kamu baik sekali, kawan (friend).

Ada adalah agaknya salah adalaknya. ---> my mind reading ability gives up
on this one... I may be wrong?

Lastly, what does "Gorilla" mean in B.I., Russell wants to know... Looking
it up in the Dictionary, I came across "Siamang", is this the correct

---> Gorilla is 'gorila' (natural habitat: Africa), 'siamang' (Eng: gibbon)
is a different species of big ape living only in parts of SE Asia & India
(including Indonesia)


Have a nice day!

Siswa (male student), ---> 'siswi' (female student) or 'murid' (neutral)
Blue ---> biru

If I were the president of RI I granted you the honorary citizenship of the

Republic of Indonesia... :-p

-according to Stardust

from cikgU:

Instead of
ada adalah agaknya salah adalaknya --- should be ---
kadang kadang kamu mungkin (bisa jadi) salah

banyak + verb or 2x = plural

baloon = balon
baloons = banyak balon or balon balon

sometimes = kadang


maybe = mungkin or kali
boleh jadi
bisa jadi

maybe someday = mungkin bila nanti

Thank you all!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cool....wala ng iba...wahahaha